A fantasy adventure film series based on Rick Riordan's bestselling novels, following Percy Jackson, a modern-day demigod, as he discovers his heritage and battles mythical threats alongside his ...
The "Percy Jackson" series by Rick Riordan will return to TV screens this year. If you can't wait for Season 2, read one of ...
Percy Jackson author Rick Riordan has seen rough cuts of the first two episodes of Percy Jackson and the Olympians Season 2, ...
Percy Jackson, like any teenager, has issues: on top of having ADHD, he also has to cope with an abusive stepfather and dysfunctional home life. When he realises that he is a demigod and his ...
"Percy Jackson and the Olympians" aims to right some of the wrongs of an inconsistent previous attempt to adapt the saga, which stuttered out after just two films in 2013. In those movies ...
Percy Jackson returns in this follow-up, which finds Percy and Annabeth racing out to the Sea of Monsters in search of the Golden Fleece that could save their world. In their quest to confront the ...