Despite assurances from the rebels-turned-leaders, members of some religious groups worry what life will be like for them in ...
They say disparate violent incidents in the past two months—including alleged extrajudicial killings and the destruction of a ...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s order for Israeli troops to “take over” a buffer zone with Syria upended decades of ...
The fall of longtime strongman Bashar al-Assad has created a power vacuum that threatens some of the United States' ...
We visit the hometown of the ousted Syrian President, Bashir al-Assad. Qardaha lies in northwest Syria, considered the heartlands of the Alawite religious sect.
In-depth: Daraya, an epicentre of non-violent resistance, faced massacres and starvation under the Assad regime. Now free, ...
As Syria emerges from decades of dictatorship, people in the Assad family's ancestral home of Latakia province are both overjoyed and anxious. Assad and his family are Alawite, an offshoot of Shia ...
The Syrian shrine of Sayedah Zainab drew Iran-backed militiamen from throughout the region. With Assad's fall, they've fled, ...