A touching story from the beloved town of Norfolk. In a remarkable and unplanned turn of events, an expectant mother, Erica Daake, was given invaluable assistance from the Norfolk police dispatch.
A short-term rental study group has recommended policy changes for rentals in Norfolk. But some operators want the city to do ...
A driving complaint in downtown Norfolk led to the Christmas Day arrest of a man on drug and alcohol charges. At 11:52 a.m.
A man accused of attempting to assassinate President-elect Donald Trump in South Florida won’t be tried until September 2025, ...
Inside the Numbers dives into NFL statistics, streaks and trends each week. For more Inside the Numbers, head here. ___ Led ...
Hundreds of sailors and their loved ones got an early Christmas present when the USS Cole docked at its home port in Norfolk, ...
A man will spend 32 years behind bars in connection with a recently solved cold case dating back to 1992.
Former NFL quarterback and Virginia native Michael Vick has formally been introduced as the new head football coach at ...