The City of Marion is looking to rejuvenate a trouble neighborhood on the south side of the city with a new unique ...
After a lengthy discussion and much public input, the school board voted in favor of superintendent Howard Hepburn’s plan, which closes one school, the lowest enrolled school in the district ...
The $36.2 million upgrade of J.C. Bermudez High will add a 3-story, 85,000-square-foot building to the campus.
After spending more than a year discussing plans to redefine several Broward County schools, the school board is expected to vote on the plan.
These are the top stories in the Ladysmith News for 2024. Read the highlights of some of our top news stories that ran last ...
Plano ISD will present planned renovations to Plano Senior High School and Haggard Middle School to the city's planning and zoning commission on Feb. 3.
Marana Vista Academy is set to open in Fall 2025. It will start with between 100 and 200 students and eventually grow to ...