The series, created by Mark L. Smith and directed by Peter Berg, stars Taylor Kitsch, Betty Gilpin and Dane DeHaan.
The series, now streaming on Netflix, depicts the brutality with which the Mormons sought to create a new world for their ...
The Western series, starring Taylor Kitsch, is a violent and thrilling portrayal of Utah's Mountain Meadows Massacre.
American Primeval” is a Netflix series starring Taylor Kitsch, Betty Gilpin, and Dane DeHaan. In the ever-expanding universe of streaming content, Netflix brings us “American Primeval”, a six-episode ...
Set in 1857 Utah Territory, American Primeval explores the brutal clash between U.S. forces, Mormon militia, Native tribes, ...
Netflix's limited series starring Betty Gilpin and Taylor Kitsch plays out against the background of the so-called Utah War.
Netflix’s American Primeval throws us headfirst into the untamed wilderness of Utah Territory in 1857, a time when the American West was a cauldron of conflict. The series, a visually stunning ...