The show centers around four vampire roommates on Staten Island: Nandor the Relentless (Kayvan Novak), Laszlo Cravensworth (Matt Berry), Nadja of Antipaxos (Natasia Demetriou), and Colin Robinson ...
PNG Kumuls and former NRL coach, Jason Demetriou, told Post Courier the opportunity to help shape the inaugural PNG NRL team is something that would not only be a personal honour but also have a ...
have created The Monster (Andy Assaf), who has proven he can behave and not go around killing people… other than those who want to insult Nadja (Natasia Demetriou). Nadja, on her end ...
Then Guillermo tries to think of a good ending for the documentary, but Nadja (Natasia Demetriou) "hypnotizes" the audience into imagining the perfect coda (it looks a lot like "The Usual Suspects").
As the documentary covering Lazlo (Matt Berry), Nadja (Natasia Demetriou), Nandor (Kayvan Novak), and Colin (Mark Proksch) randomly decides to end production, everyone is content to go on with ...
Natasia Demetriou and Matt Berry, along with their human familiar, Guillén, as they address the drudgery of human norms with the quirk and absurdity that comes with being immortally ill-equipped ...
Advertisement Created by Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement and based on their 2014 movie of the same name, the show co-stars Harvey Guillen, Matt Berry, Mark Proksch and Natasia Demetriou.
Playing into the gimmick of the show’s mockumentary status, it turns out that Nadja’s (Natasia Demetriou) hypnosis of the audience sort of worked as fans were presented with three different ...
And we all know that Nandor, Laszlo Cravensworth (Matt Berry), Nadja (Natasia Demetriou), and Colin Robinson (Mark Proksch) are way too incompetent and lazy to accomplish the former. So the ...
it appears that about 18 minutes into the series finale, Nadja (played by Natasia Demetriou) breaks the fourth wall to hypnotize those at home into seeing the “the most perfect ending.” More from ...