Explore the applications of preclinical MRI in neurological diseases, focusing on functional and metabolic imaging techniques ...
Discover how UHF MRI techniques are revolutionizing the measurement of brain physiology and function, offering insights into neural processes.
Phil Herbert was working on his computer at home in November 2021 when his right arm suddenly stopped responding. He called 999 but was told it would be four hours before an ambulance came.
They exposed both of these types of cells to chemical signals in a spaced-out pattern mimicking the way in which brain cells learn ... into the bloodstream a pulse of insulin, a hormone that ...
A man with paralysis who had electrodes implanted in his brain can pilot a virtual drone through an obstacle course simply by imagining moving his fingers. His brain signals are interpreted by an ...
Exactly how such signals ... in the brain isn't well understood. To shed light on the subject, Shea and graduate student Alexander Nowlan traced how smell and hearing interact in mouse brains ...
Soccer Heading Damages Brain Regions Affected in CTE ... in the stem cell niche known as the subventricular zone, using a mouse model. This revealed a mechanism that results in fewer newborn ...
NIH-funded mouse study provides roadmap for how aging may alter brain cell genetic activity Based on new brain mapping research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), scientists have ...
The so-called "MouseGoggles" was created to help scientists study brain responses, advancing research into Alzheimer's disease and other neurological conditions. Mouse models have long been used ...