King disliked the adaptations of "The Shining" and "The Lawnmower Man" due to their divergences from the original stories.
Every villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is guilty of crimes against humanity in some form, but they aren’t all equally as despicable. Certain adversaries, such as the Scarlet Witch and Loki, ...
Born Again trailer dropped numerous surprises on the fans, one of them being the Kingpin as New York's latest legally elected mayor.
Shooters come in many forms, from arcade arena combat to cover-based movement, and from realism to sci-fi surrealism. Tactical shooters are a sub-genre all to themselves, asking players to approach ...
Our greatest threat is an American elite that not only fails to recognize villains seeking to do us harm but sometimes even ...
For all of the reasons listed above, I really want Galactus and the Silver Surfer to be a part of the first The Fantastic ...