“Moana 2,” originally conceived as a television show for streaming, is officially a billion-dollar box office smash. The animated sequel has generated $445 million domestically and $567 ...
About eight years later, "Moana 2" was released following the hit 2016 animated musical adventure film "Moana." "Moana 2" takes place three years after the events of the first film, and Moana ...
Moana 2 is set to reach its goal soon, hopefully this weekend. Which goal? The one-billion-dollar mark worldwide. The movie has already surpassed Despicable Me 4 as the third highest-grossing film ...
Disney‘s theatrical legacy is entering uncharted waters with an innovative production of The Tale of Moana aboard their newest vessel, the Disney Treasure. This groundbreaking show joins an ...
The Walt Disney Company’s box office domination continued over the holiday weekend. “Moana 2” topped $1 billion during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, becoming the studio’s third ...
Disney fans have hailed the box office success of Moana 2 as proof that major studios such as Disney need a change their strategy for straight-to-streaming releases. The film, a sequel to the 2016 ...
Moana 2 crossed the $1 billion milestone at the worldwide box office this weekend. It has beaten Jurassic World Dominion as one of the top 10 highest-grossing films post-COVID. Scroll below for ...
Disney's Moana and her friends Loto, Moni and Kele. Photo / Disney Disney has a new member of its billion-dollar-grossing movie club for 2024, with smash hit animated sequel Moana 2 earning US$1. ...
Disney has a new member of its billion-dollar-grossing movie club for 2024, with smash hit animated sequel Moana 2 earning US$1.009 billion ($1.8b) globally eight weekends from its release date.
This would mean that the premiere of Moana 2 on Disney+ could take place in early March 2025. Nowadays, that's not that far off, so it's not unlikely that Disney will soon announce when it plans to ...
To match Jack Shainman Gallery’s new Beaux-Arts flagship, the artist known for his Soundsuits debuts a sculpture nearly 26 feet high. This week in Newly Reviewed, Andrew Russeth covers retro vid ...