The Demon Slayer series, created by Koyoharu Gotouge and animated by ufotable, has become one of the most popular anime franchises in the world. If you’re looking to join in the demon-hunting craze, ...
Playing Doom as a CAPTCHA test is possible with a new app developed by Guillermo Rauch. This CAPTCHA test version of Doom is extremely challenging and uses official assets. It is unlikely for this ...
Supervising director Dave Wilson and creator Tim Miller recently discussed how they tried to work out a deal with Microsoft for Master Chief and the Doom Slayer, but it didn't work out.
"We wanted to make a Master Chief/Doom Slayer crossover episode, and I spent the whole weekend crafting this impassioned letter of my childhood." If you've ever spent more than 10 minutes ...
With the celebrations of a new year, we also get exciting news! Fans of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba were treated to a stunning visual for 2025. The artwork shows the cast celebrating the new ...
Doom may be over 30 years old, but people aren't sick of it yet. On the contrary: Fans have ported the action horror game to just about platform imaginable, from graphing calculators and ...
What difficulty are you on, Doom CAPTCHA? I want to know because I need to know how bad to feel about myself. Six times I’ve tried to pass your FPS test by killing three monsters to prove I’m human.
For two weeks, customers can make use of the new cheap prices, which will see a pint of Worthington cost 99p, a pint of Belhaven £1.49 and a pint of Doom Bar at the same price of £1.49.
You can check it out here. It’s not a wholly original idea (the DOOM as CAPTCHA part). But it’s nevertheless topping the charts over at Hacker News, whose audience of largely developers has ...
Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games here Demon Slayer is a collaboration that many Fortnite players would love to have. Chapter 6 ...