Animated adaptation of the children's book by Michael Morpurgo. A shy little girl named Mimi finds a baby dragon and undertakes a perilous journey to return it to its mother. Show more In her ...
How many Broadway shows has Gerard Canonico been in? Gerard Canonico has appeared on Broadway in 6 shows. How many West End shows has Gerard Canonico been in? Gerard Canonico has not appeared in ...
Katie Leung is known by Harry Potter fans worldwide as Cho Chang, Harry's onscreen love interest with whom he had his first kiss. But a lot has changed for Katie since she first starred in the fantasy ...
Toronto's Mimi Chinese will open at 1575 Alton Rd. in Miami Beach on Saturday, December 21. This will be the popular restaurant's first U.S. location. Big Hug Hospitality and Harlo Entertainment ...
It’s a tightrope that Julia Leung, the CEO of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), has had to walk the past several years. “While the intrinsic value debate will continue ...
In an interview marking 25 years since Britain returned Hong Kong to China, CY Leung - who is known for his pro-China views - said the system had "maintained stability and prosperity". Mr Leung ...