Urban planning associate professor Dorina Pojani from the University of Queensland said it was "wonderful" for people choosing to do house-sitting as a lifestyle to fulfil their travel desires.
Mahant Someshwar Giri, a Bal Yogi who committed to the practice of 'Urdhva Bahu' by keeping his right hand raised for 15 years, exemplifies this commitment. This act symbolizes heightened ...
This is the extraordinary life of Mahant Someshwar Giri, a Bal Yogi who has kept one hand raised for 15 years in his pursuit of spiritual discipline. Not just this, he travelled like this across India ...
Certain sitting activities like reading, crafting, and socializing are more beneficial for brain health than other behaviors like watching TV, a new study found. Despite being sedentary ...
Addressing the gathering, he welcomed the Param Pujya Guru Hari Mahant Swami Maharaj, revered saints and members of the Satsangi family and other dignitaries and delegates. Shri Modi bowed to the feet ...
On the last sitting day of the year Parliament has Question Time, usual government business, and by tradition, the adjournment debate. After this debate finishes at about 6pm, MPs are free to go home ...
BAPS Mandir complex was completed in 1999 after four years of continuous construction. The Mandir Complex is 140ft long, 99ft wide and 69ft high. Its total area is estimated to be 10,200 square feet.
Today, we are looking into something truly fascinating: your sitting posture might be another factor that reveals insights about your personality. Analyses have shown that sitting postures provide ...
With the stage set for the Parliament to now take things forward, let's understand the essence, procedure, and history of impeachment of sitting Supreme ... in M Krishna Swami v.
“The Indian police arrested Sitting Bull at his camp, 40 miles northwest of the agency, this morning at daylight. His followers attempted his rescue, and fighting commenced. … Eight Indians ...