Reports say Apple pushed the release date to 2023. The new MacBook Pro models will feature the same overall design as their predecessors, but they’ll have the expected M2 Pro and M2 Max System ...
A cynical take on the choices made by Apple’s vaunted industrial design team would be they chose form over function. A more charitable take, the one I personally ascribe to, is Apple made an ...
So just what is new about the late 2023 MacBook Pro? Think of this as a mid ... such as if you're working in 3D design and modelling, or produce music and don't fancy bouncing everything down ...
Internally, the design of the MacBook Pro maximizes internal ... the same all-black keyboard base that was used in the 2023 MacBook Pro models. There is a full-sized row of function keys along ...
Apple’s decision to launch only “Pro” models during Q4 of 2023 means that the low-powered ... moving this MacBook Pro towards the same design language as the more powerful MacBook Pro.