The letter, which went viral on social media, was allegedly written on the letterhead of taluka panchayat chairman Kishore Kanpariya. Local BJP leaders escalated the matter to state BJP chief and ...
While it may never be known when the B.C. teenager hospitalized with a severe case of avian influenza, H5n1, will make a full recovery — health officials say this is an opportunity to look at ...
the billionaire rapper declared. In the days that followed, letters and notices were filed in the court docket formally denying the charges, seeking retribution from both sides, as well as ...
The stories you care about, delivered daily.
Actor-politician Vijay wrote a letter addressed to the women in Tamil Nadu. In the letter, which he wrote in the wake of the sexual assault of a 19-year-old at Anna University, he asked who could be ...
The naiveté of the recent letter writers regarding the myth that the election of Donald Trump is going to magically reduce the cost of living to levels seen during his previous presidential term ...
In reference to a letter to the editor from Chuck Lehmann on Dec. 18, the number of counties that a candidate won in the presidential election is meaningless. Why mention it? To create a false ...
The incoming chairman of the FCC has fired off a letter to Walt Disney Co. CEO Bob Iger referencing ABC‘s recent settlement of a defamation lawsuit filed by Donald Trump, while also decrying the ...
National Engineering Research Center for Carbohydrate Synthesis, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China ...
Gisèle Pelicot lambasts cowardice of men accused of her mass rapeOpens in new window ] At the beginning of October, I sat down in my kitchen one evening, and wrote a letter to Madame Pelicot.
"Over the course of this season, there have been a fair share of big f-ckups that could've easily been avoided," shares Captain Glenn in a voiceover ... right before a series of shots of the crew ...
Chase is a Southern gentleman from South Carolina who knows how to turn on the charm for demanding guests. "Chase originally joined the world of yachting with the dream of one day sailing around ...