Denta Water has opened its IPO worth Rs 220.50 crore, which has garnered interest in the grey market and is expected to list at Rs 459. However, there are risks involved due to potential order ...
The core inflation rate fell to a three-year low of 1.9 per cent in November, creating room for the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to ease its Singdollar policy at its January review.
By Adam Nossiter Michel del Castillo, a Franco-Spanish writer whose wrenching chronicle of a childhood spent in World War II concentration camps brought him renown on both sides of the Atlantic ...
Del Taco, a popular Mexican-food chain based in the West Coast, is finally set to unveil its first Pensacola-area restaurant in January, according to the company's website. The restaurant will ...
“Debi Tirar Mas Fotos.” As the video frame expands to include a box of photographs and his tiny pal, Morales advises that while one is alive, they must live and love as much as they ca ...
His debut album, 2018’s “X 100PRE,” arrived around Christmas and 2020’s “El Último Tour del Mundo” near Thanksgiving. The January release date is just before “Día de Reyes,” or Three Kings Day, and is ...
Bad Bunny will kickoff the new year with a new album, the Grammy-winning singer confirmed Thursday with a video trailer. Dubbed “Debí Tirar Más Fotos” (“I Should’ve Taken More Photos ...
SAN FRANCISCO — LeBron James walked through the visiting locker room Christmas afternoon and wondered if music was playing inside Chase Center. As a DJ bumped early-2000s Ludacris near the hoop ...
Bad Bunny is back! The Puerto Rican superstar has announced his forthcoming sixth studio album, Debí Tirar Más Fotos. The record is set for release on Jan. 5. Bad Bunny made the announcement on ...
His upcoming sixth studio album is set to drop in the new year. By Isabela Raygoza Associate Editor, Billboard Español After teasing on X on Wednesday (Dec. 25) night 17 “bomba” tracks, Bad ...