Festival-time overcharging has become a recurring problem in Tamil Nadu. While government buses provide an alternative, their availability often falls short of meeting demand. Anbumani has urged the ...
The bar model method is a great way to visualise tricky mathematical concepts and solve problems. They are a quick and easy way to represent a situation in a word problem. Bar modelling can be ...
If anyone says we have an ethnic problem can they also explain why there are more Tamils living among Sinhalese than ever before….and can the census produce statistics of Tamil migration from North to ...
The clssical filleting and prediclion problem is re-examined using the Bode-Shannon representation of random processes and the ¿stat-tran-sition¿ method of analysis of dynamic systems. New result are: ...
Congress leader Ajay Maken said on Saturday that his party should have no alliance with the AAP in Delhi, but left the option open, saying this is his personal view.
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