Seaweed is a highly nutritious food rich in vitamins and minerals and low in calories However excessive consumption can lead ...
Discover the true story of kombucha, made with locally harvested kombu from Rishiri Island, Japan, and learn the difference ...
A nutritionist from Japan has said that there is one food her family includes in their daily diet saying some of her family ...
Seaweed has been a staple of Japanese cuisine and can be added to so many dishes. Nara says that she has a "top priority six seaweeds in my pantry: kombu, wakame, nori, hijiki, kanten and aonori.
First-Ever Study To Test Seaweed on Grazing Cattle Reducing Methane Emissions in Grazing Cattle More Difficult Than Feedlot or Dairy Cows Nearly 40% Reduction in Methane Emissions Plays Role in ...
According to a new study, giving grazing beef cattle a seaweed supplement in pellet form reduced methane emissions by almost 40 percent without impacting the animals’ health or weight.
Two giant seaweed farms off a pristine stretch of Cornish coastline could see hundreds of tonnes of concrete block dumped onto the seabed and hundreds of miles of nylon ropes used, opponents to ...
Rum and Sargassum, a startup in Barbados in the Caribbean islands, is turning rum waste from distilleries and seaweed washed off onto the shores to produce bio-compressed natural gas to fuel cars.
When large swathes of invasive seaweed started washing up on Caribbean beaches in 2011, local residents were perplexed. Soon, mounds of unsightly sargassum – carried by currents from the ...