This week marks the 20th anniversary of the iconic 2001 teen drama "Save the Last Dance." The movie's costars, Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas, played Sara and Derek, a teen couple who fall ...
Julia Stiles is making her feature directorial debut with an adaptation of the novel Wish You Were Here, and it looks like ...
Director Claims Julia Stiles and Joseph Gordon-Levitt Dated Julia Stiles Reflects on 'Save the Last Dance' After 20 Years: 'I Had to Bust My Butt to Get in Shape' 'Save the Last Dance' Costars ...
"I've been wanting to direct my own movie for a while, and finally found it with this," Stiles tells PEOPLE of the film, in ...
As the acid-tongued, defiant Kat Stratford in “10 Things I Hate About You,” Julia ... “Save the Last Dance,” “Hamlet,” “Dexter” and “Mona Lisa Smile.” Jayme Kaye Gershen Today ...
Julia Stiles revealed her favorite parts about filming 10 Things I Hate About You with Heath Ledger in an exclusive interview ...
Julia Stiles recently stumbled upon a memento from the “10 Things I Hate About You” set.
The official Wish You Were Here trailer for Lionsgate Movies’ upcoming romantic dramedy has been released, which hails from ...
Julia Stiles is an American actress who has a net worth of $12 million. Stiles began her acting career on stage when she was eleven years old and scored her first movie role in 1996's "I Love You ...