Hudson Meek, l'actor de "Baby Driver", va morir diumenge 22 de desembre a Alabama després de caure d'un cotxe en moviment.
El president d’ERC inicia els canvis en la direcció del partit buscant un equilibri amb els seus opositors després d’apartar ...
Tota la família ha estat pendent d'ella, amb més atenció Jesús Ortiz, que sempre ha estat la nineta dels seus ulls, la seva ...
De la crítica del wagnerià Marc Jesús Bertran (Barcelona, 1872-1934) a La Vanguardia (4-VIII-1907). Traducció pròpia. Dos ...
Scientists have revealed when Jesus was really born, and it's certainly not the date you'd expect. With Christmas fast approaching and millions getting into the festive spirit with parties, presents ...
Pope Francis holds an audience with donors of the St. Peter's Square Christmas tree and Nativity scene, at the Vatican (photo credit: REMO CASSILI/REUTERS) A nativity scene featuring baby Jesus ...
Most people are familiar with the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. Come Christmastime, Nativity scenes in towns and churches routinely display symbols from the Biblical story like mangers, donkeys, and ...
Davant aquest context, el 2024 va néixer Àgora Jove Relacions Laborals de Catalunya, una entitat privada sense ànim de lucre dedicada a protegir els drets laborals dels joves professionals a Catalunya ...
La cuinera catalana de vint-i-dos anys Marta Minoves ha guanyat l’European Young Chef Award 2024, premi que l’acredita com a millor xef jove del continent. El jurat l’ha elegida per unanimitat pel seu ...
Sky News understands that Jove Insurance has secured the backing in a seed round led by Explorer Investment, a Portuguese-based fund. Investors including Love Ventures, Portfolio Ventures ...
Did Joseph and Mary have other children? Was Jesus the only child in the family tree or did Jesus have bothers and sisters? If Jesus was the first-born of Mary, did she and Joseph have more children ...
Jesus says, " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). The other day, we sat around our dinner table, and each of our children shared what ...