Virgin River might be one of Netflix's top romantic shows, but Mel Monroe and Jack Sheridan aren't the fans' favorite couple ...
Virgin River fans are still discussing the jaw-dropping conclusion to the Netflix drama’s sixth season, including one ...
Jessica Ann Rothenberg es una actriz estadounidense que nació el 28 de mayo de 1987 en Denver, Colorado. Jessica Rothe tiene 37 años y es conocida por interpretar a Alexis en “La La Land” (2016) y a ...
Season 6 of Netflix’s Virgin River closed with the much anticipated wedding between Jack and Mel and plenty of cliff hangers.
After this becomes much less clear. While star Ben Hollingsworth suggested Season 8 is already in development, fans are still ...
puesto que Mel y Jack se han casado. Sin embargo, en Virgin River suceden muchas más cosas que implican al resto de habitantes de la zona, como John Preacher, Charmaine, Doc o Hope. Tras el ...