In a social media post on Friday, President-elect Donald Trump revealed that Microsoft founder Bill Gates had requested a meeting with him. The message, which seemed to be intended as a private ...
Putin, during a wide-ranging end-of-year news conference in Moscow, claimed that he hasn’t spoken to Trump in years and that there are no current plans for a meeting — but if they do talk ...
These include: The right to participate in all IEP meetings The right to receive written notice before any changes to the IEP The right to request evaluations The right to disagree with the IEP team’s ...
“I will be ready for a meeting if he wants it.” He added that he and Trump — who has often touted his relationship with the Russian leader — would have “a lot to talk about.” Putin ...
Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images The Federal Reserve's Open Markets Committee kicked off its two-day meeting Tuesday. The Fed is widely expected to cut the key federal funds rate by a quarter ...
Previously, SECAs had to be invited by a member of a student’s IEP team such as a principal ... SECAs can request to attend those meetings. “It gives us a lot of autonomy,” said Stephanie Tarr, a SECA ...
gene therapy for patients with sickle cell disease who have a history of vaso-occlusive events (VOEs). The data will be presented at the 66 th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting ...
If you would like to access this meeting remotely, please visit: Speaker sign-up will run from 5:30PM until 6:15PM on the day of the ...
Occupational therapy assistants help people facing physical or mental challenges gain or regain the skills necessary for their highest quality of life. This can involve everything from daily tasks ...
IMPORTANT: Generally, the public may attend a board meeting in-person or remotely via Zoom. However, please note that there may be an emergency or urgent issue such that the board limits public ...