The hit show Severance can be refashioned as a teaching moment about certain brain disorders. But its famed “Innie” versus “Outie” conceit is totally bogus.
Oliver Latta, the animator of the "Severance" credit sequence, explains some of the characters and symbols you'll find in the new version.
Plus, Mary Crosby explains why Robert Sr. didn't make an appearance this season, and the husband's make step onto the stage ...
That's just the start of how gnarly the Yellowjackets Season 3 trailer gets. Also on the menu are shots of broken teeth chowing down on flesh, new cast member Hilary Swank finding out just how "insane ...
What’s that buzzing feeling? Well, it’s the Yellowjackets season 3 trailer!
This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...