Organizations hope to distribute 35 tech backpacks to the homeless in Santa Barbara this month and 50 more this spring if ...
Ryan Duerk, CEO of Miracle Hill, embarked on 24-hour journey outside Rescue Mission to draw attention to harsh realities the ...
As the temperatures drop, the number of people seeking shelter increases. Several shelters across the Rio Grande Valley have beds available for anyone needing a ...
Long Beach’s annual “point in time” tally of people experiencing homelessness begins on Thursday, Jan. 23. The homeless count, a survey conducted by hundreds of volunteers and the city’s independent ...
Members of Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora got together recently to assemble cold weather care kits to be given to ...
Newsome had a goal to gather people of all backgrounds and walks of life to pack more than 1,200 kits. "One of the quotes ...
Valdosta shelters step up to aid the homeless during freezing temps, offering heat, meals, and critical resources.
A student-led service project in Mendota Heights has grown to attract the entire community. It is among several examples of youth-driven inspiration.
Almost every weekday, at a nondescript storefront on Pleasant Grove's Main Street, a kind of magical alchemy takes place when ...
One by one, nearly a dozen people snaked through a line in Washington County’s Department of Human Services offices Friday ...
If “homelessness” evades definition, then what, exactly, is being counted each year with Point-in-Time surveys? The author asked five people.