The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
Michelle Nader tells TheWrap how "Shifting Gears" hopes to modernize sitcoms without losing "the parts that we love" ...
Allowing Batman to appear in other character's movies could potentially alleviate Batman fatigue while building a universe ...
Although Donald Trump’s inauguration is weeks away, his influence is already being felt beyond the United States – including here in ...
As my four-year term as Montana state auditor concludes, I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished together: Protecting ...
Our guide to the best new animated shows of January includes a new Spider-Man show, Castlevania's return, and more.
From vitamin D to stem cells, the Alumni Research Foundation has licensed discoveries and supported campus activities.
Nearly 1pm on December 17, 2024, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake that struck off the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu killed ...
The weather can change, teams can stumble, force majeure can intervene. But the rest of the league is going to need help from ...
Katelyn Pownall wasn’t sure her 3-year-old son would ever meet Santa Claus. Nash was born with Menkes disease, a rare genetic disorder that disrupts the body’s ability to absorb and ...