The National Ice Core Facility in Lakewood, Colorado, holds 13.67 miles of ice cores preserved at -40 degrees Fahrenheit year ...
The UVM researcher explores the history of Camp Century, a 1960s military base dug into the Greenland Ice Sheet, and its role ...
Clam shells could help scientists understand the Atlantic Ocean’s sensitive circulation system — and predict when that ...
That ice core is now famous, at least in the paleoclimate community, Greene said. Researchers have used the core to reconstruct the temperature and precipitation record of Greenland going back ...
A team of engineers and scientists flew a jet above northern Greenland back in April to test ... The scientists there did collect the world's first ice core samples, leading to groundbreaking ...
Jacob Chalif is helping gather old ice from the Allan Hills in Antarctica. Scientists can use air bubbles and other ...
What’s more, markers of prehistoric climate frozen in Greenland ice cores confirm that the region ... Surface air temperatures over northwestern Europe could plunge far below current readings ...
It's been nearly 200 years since a global cold snap led to widespread crop failures and devastating famines. Now, a new study ...
Interglacials are, as the name suggests, warm periods between planetary glaciations when the expanse of ice on Earth shrinks.
On the climate front, Marco Magrini says we know what we have to do, but time is running out for us to get it done ...
(2) found total fatty acids at concentrations between 1.9 and 105 ng/g ice (average 20 ng/g ice) throughout a 450-year Greenland ice core, using extraction and ... rpm using a PDMS stir bar for 20 h ...