As the bird flu virus moved into cows and people, sluggish federal action, deference to industry and neglect for worker ...
Other studies indicate that starlings don’t have as dramatic an effect on native bird populations as previously thought.
Keith Poulsen’s jaw dropped when farmers showed him images on their cellphones at the World Dairy Expo in Wisconsin in ...
Nearly a year into the first outbreak of the bird flu among cattle, the virus shows no sign of slowing. The U.S. government ...
Species to watch out for include the Northern Cardinal, Common Starling, Dark-eyed Juno, and Common Grackle ... birds of prey, shorebirds, waterfowl, and forest birds. Clear shorelines call ...
The best US states for bird watching can help you take your love for birding up a notch or two. Maybe you've already learned ...
Keith Poulsen’s jaw dropped when farmers showed him images on their cellphones at the World Dairy Expo in Wisconsin in ...
Some species are primarily ground feeders, including sparrows, pigeons and doves, grackles, robins and thrushes ... As dramatic as this sounds, there’s evidence that by allowing birds to become ...
It might sound strange to hear that a once-common bird is experiencing a decline, but that is what is happening with the common grackle. This iridescent blackbird species, once numbering around 150 ...
I see them one time and never again sometimes.” Bird Call: Colorado bird photographer's finch photo nabs gold in contest His recent weekend show started with about 100 carvings, featuring 60 ...