Victoria Platcek, a high school senior who lives in Two Harbors, is organizing a life-saving Gold Award project. The Girl ...
Evelyn Phillips of Warren has been awarded the Girl Scouts Bronze Award for her efforts in the community. The Bronze Award is ...
A Girl Scout duo in Temple will soon be getting their Bronze Award after making a difference in their community and creating an exhibit that will be a permanent part of the Temple Children's Museum.
Sterling Beeson, a Junior Girl Scout in Transylvania County Troop #10181, has earned her Girl Scout Bronze Award, the highest ...
They are well on their way, recently wrapping up projects toward the Bronze and Silver awards. “My mom made me join,” Hailey said of starting Girl Scouts. “I stayed with it because I liked ...
Olivia Ullner, a senior at Orange High School and an Orange resident, has earned the prestigious Girl Scout Gold Award.