Based on a series of Japanese children’s novels by Tôru Tsunemitsu, Ghost Stories combines supernatural horror with dark humor. Pierrot produced the anime adaptation, telling the story of ...
the Halloween-themed house complete with stretched cobwebs and dark corners makes this eerie game of cat and mouse a sufficiently spooky ride. Dead by Daylight isn’t necessarily a ghost game ...
Gachiakuta anime unveils a stunning visual and teaser PV, with Studio BONES promising an epic adaptation of the gritty manga.
I don't definitively know why the slice-of-life romance genre is so prevalent in anime, but I can explain ... At one point, a dark deconstruction of Doraemon shows what would happen if a child ...
Getting into anime is an absolutely daunting task ... modified Force-sensitive twins who are trained to use the dark side of the Force, before one of them defects. Every story is fascinating ...
or joining a book club with a dark side, we’ve got plenty of anime games to choose from in 2024. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play RPG cast in the mold of Nintendo’s Breath of the Wild that’s ...