Two men charged in an armed home invasion in Montgomery County that left a man dead and his mother critically injured, ...
Kelvin Roberts and Charles Fulforth intended to steal guns from a home in Bucks County, police say. Instead, they went to a ...
Two men have been arrested in Pennsylvania for a home invasion mix-up that left a 25-year-old man shot to death and his ...
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) — Two men tipped off through their junk hauling jobs about a gun cache at a suburban Philadelphia home ...
He saw the need to switch off everything else electric - drive on dipped headlights (mostly on side lights) and definitely adios Radio 2 - just in case the mega battery gave up the ghost and he couldn ...
Detectives traced a vehicle one suspect drove to the scene to a Philadelphia home where they found the jewelry box, they said ...
A duo of determined bike thieves used power tools to cut through locks and steal bikes from an underground parking garage on ...
BHPian arunrajk81 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:Ive wanted to explore Death Valley National Park for the past ...