Joan of Arc was as religious as a person can get without turning into a stained-glass window. When she was just 13 she claimed to have been visited by three saints – Michael, Catherine and Margaret.
John Steele Gordon on “Dinosaurs at the Dinner Party” by Edward Dolnick.
But after conducting a feasibility study, the agency declined his offer, judging that the risk to both SpaceX astronauts and to the telescope was too great. Unlike Nasa’s Space Shuttle Atlantis ...
Even Galileo Galilei—who used his telescope in 1609 to challenge the view that the cosmos is static, Earth-centric ...
Once described as the most important telescope in history after the original built by Galileo, the Hubble Space ... there may not be a Hubble to save.” His plan was an unprecedented ...
Discover some of the greatest scientists of all time, featuring revolutionary minds like Albert Einstein and their ...
Nothing else in the Solar System is quite like Saturn. At its poles, a terrible storm rages, a perfect hexagon twenty thousand miles wide with raindrops of molten diamond, flung by 300-mph winds.
Ramanujan, a self-taught genius, redefined mathematics by conceiving pi as an elegant fraction and solving ancient puzzles ...
Saturn’s rings are among the most glorious, stunning, and well-studied features in the Solar System. However, their age has ...
In recent years, Saturn has overtaken Jupiter as the planet with the most satellites in our solar system. How many moons does ...
The Moon’s craters were among the first things Galileo observed upon turning his telescope on the skies, informing the world that the lunar surface was “full of hollows and protuberances, just like ...
Marcos Bavdaz is Head of the Technology Preparation Section in the Science Directorate of the European Space Agency (ESA).