Perry, a beloved miniature donkey who has been a fixture of Bol Park for nearly three decades and who famously served as the model for the Donkey character in "Shrek," was euthanized on Thursday after ...
Until Thursday, the Bay Area was home to what may very well have been the world’s most famous donkey. Perry, a Jerusalem ...
The scholar and Christian convert Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote recently of her pleasure in experiencing Christmas as a person new to ...
Person in a BuzzFeed t-shirt places a BuzzFeed-branded box on a conveyor belt in an industrial setting As 2024 wraps up, I thought it'd be fun to revisit the absolute funniest photos from the year ...
A lot of people are always quick to talk about the dangers of riding a motorcycle. I would say people are more dangerous than bikes. I’m grateful for the gift of good health, and having the ...
People need to know of the dangers of e-bikes and e-scooters before buying them as Christmas presents, police have said. It is illegal to ride e-scooters on the road, footpaths and cycle paths in ...
The Peacock series, developed by Nahnatchka Khan and Sally Bradford McKenna, centers on Ruby, a woman whose exes are mysteriously dying one by one.
As teens and people young in love, our definition of love mostly is 'fun' and 'chill'. As we grow in love and grow older we realise love is 'work', love is 'efforts' and we begin to see the deeper ...
(To underscore a point, she’s a party planner, stage-managing other people’s celebrations ... and there is a lot of riding around in forests rather than swiping whichever direction means ...
What the Bible does tell us is that there were few people at Jesus’ birth ... The account does not tell us how they travelled – and riding a donkey while heavily pregnant would likely have ...
Elon Musk was named Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2021. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, who was the wealthiest person in the world at the time, remained a prominent figure in the news as he ...