A museum curator with a ladder showed that birds that build cavity-style nests are able to protect their eggs with the skin ...
In the winter months, protected peregrine falcons start building their nests on Western North Carolina’s high cliffs.
Crossing the borders of Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, land and water safaris follow the flow of the Zambezi to Lake ...
What do you think of when you hear the word “sparrow?” If someone had asked me this as a child, I would have said it’s a ...
RANST, Belgium — Belgium's once pastoral pastime of pigeon racing has come to this: Drones swoop over lofts where valuable ...
Bald eagles are no longer endangered in New Jersey, but our raptor population still needs support and protection.
Hibernation: this entire idea came to this author’s attention again during a casual conversation with several friends. They ...
Blue jay bird is one of the magnificent birds, intelligent and full of life, possessing the power of provoking attention.
The engineering and defensive skills of red wood ants help the endangered species transcend its small stature in the natural world.
I got the great idea last fall to build a wood duck box for a friend’s ranch. Well, you know how that went, one became four ...
Barred owls are common in Iowa. Their year around range as a non-migratory bird of prey is all of eastern USA and much of ...