Last year saw a summer of unrest across UK cities, major elections here and in the US, and two cancer diagnoses hit the royal ...
David Balam, a Canadian astronomer and former University of Victoria researcher, confirmed that anyone who suspected it was a ...
But solving the cube may also elicit happiness because it taps into other emotions, according to Dr Julia Christensen, a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in ...
Raynaud's phenomenon, named after Dr. Maurice Raynaud, is a condition affecting blood flow to extremities like fingers and toes. Triggered by cold or stress, it causes blood vessels to constrict ...
Various members of flash mobs around college campuses credit two sources with starting the flash mob phenomenon. One possible origin is Bill Wasik, the current senior editor for HarperâÄôs Magazine.
The Department of Meteorology in a press release mentioned that Sri Lanka experiences more than 90% of its major disasters due to meteorological phenomena, with dozens of incidents occurring ...
MESSRS. HARPER could not have secured a more authoritative or a clearer writer than Prof. Czapek, of Prague, to present to the public the most recent views of biochemistry. The chemistry of ...
Working memory is also known as RAM, but why is it there at all? Further reading: Why mixing your PC’s RAM is a recipe for disaster The term RAM stands for random access memory. This already ...
A research team has proposed a new method to reconstruct the "family tree" of black holes. Published in The Astrophysical Journal, this research offers a way to infer the properties of the black ...
A family man from Wisconsin. A spirited artist from Hawaii. An Ivy League graduate from Maryland. At face value, Ryan Borgwardt, Hannah Kobayashi and Luigi Mangione lead distinct lives and come ...
Just as a conductor coordinates different instruments in an orchestra to produce a symphony, breathing coordinates hippocampal brain waves to strengthen memory while we sleep, reports a new study.