A gripping new Emmerdale storyline featuring a terrifying car crash and a frozen lake is set to rock the village with several residents lives at risk, but who survives?
This season is getting GOOD. The post Southern Hospitality Season 3, Episode 2 Recap: Emmy’s Emmy-Worthy Meltdown appeared ...
As temperatures plunge and ice takes hold across Britain, the Emmerdale production team has unveiled a dramatic preview of what's to come this February.
A gripping new Emmerdale storyline featuring a terrifying car crash and a frozen lake is set to rock the village with several residents lives at risk, but who survives?
Emmerdale is teasing fans with a glimpse into a treacherous February for its much-loved characters, hinting at an ...
Emmerdale has confirmed a villager will be left to die in an upcoming storyline, which will see a car crash into an icy lake.