Certain pricier styles of smartwatch wristband may not just be helping Americans stay fit — they may be exposing unsuspecting wearers to a hefty dose of “forever chemicals,” a new study has ...
Because of the latter properties, manufacturers include these chemicals in many consumer products, such as stain-resistant bedding, menstrual products and fitness wear, including smartwatch and ...
For example, the sun will rise and set tomorrow, the taxman will eventually come a-knockin' and Apple will launch a new Apple Watch Series 11 smartwatch in the fall. This year marked the tenth ...
What does dreading my smartwatch’s interpretation of my athletic competence say about me? That I have become a pawn in the gamification of health data. Last year, electronics represented one of ...
You can do this anytime, but do it as soon as possible if you use a smartwatch with extensive fitness-tracking features. Pair your phone and watch before you change the time Before you change the ...
Katie a UK-based news reporter and features writer. Officially, she is CNET's European correspondent, covering tech policy and Big Tech in the EU and UK. Unofficially, she serves as CNET's Taylor ...