The film follows Ken Sato (Christopher Sean), a baseball star who returns to Japan to take the mantle of Ultraman when his father retires. Though his brash and self-centered attitude doesn’t get ...
It should come as no surprise that I've been enjoying Orb a lot so far. I haven't been shy about saying so in my reviews. However, this week's episode is the first one to completely and ...
There’s more than one type of skyscraper above Manhattan. The mysterious orb caught on video zooming over the Hudson River is just the latest “UFO” incident in the Big Apple, even though the ...
Some of the most prominent ufologists have their doubts about the "orb" (Representational) A orb-like object was seen flying over the Hudson River in New York City in footage shared by a local ...
The chopper was in the south of Battery Park and the light arches towards it in the video. Photograph:(Others) A news helicopter captured a mysterious orb-like object by accident flying over the ...
NEW YORK - Eagle-eyed FOX 5 NY viewers first noticed a mysterious "orb" zooming across their screens when we aired video of the Lower Manhattan skyline – and some of you reached out wondering ...
A mysterious orb-like object appears to zoom over the Hudson River and past Lower Manhattan in eerie footage shot by a local news helicopter. A Fox 5 news report that aired Monday accidentally ...
In the final seconds of a Fox 5 news report that aired Monday, an orb-shaped object or light can be seen in the crystal clear New York sky, making an arcing pathway in the direction of the news ...
“The film didn’t start off as an Ultraman film. It was just a film that I wanted to tell a personal story about parenting. And by the time it became an Ultraman film, I was 18, 19 years in,” said ...
Last weeks hearing had a retired US Navy rear admiral and a former US counterintelligence officer saying that the cover-up of aliens has been going on for decades and we are not alone in the cosmos.