Ivy can cause a lot of damage to gardens and properties, and be notoriously hard to get rid of - but these expert tips will ...
English ivy can be a stunning ground cover, but can cause a lot of damage to gardens and properties. A gardening expert has ...
English ivy is a beautiful addition to any garden, but it can also cause major problems for outdoor spaces and homes if it is ...
Non-native plants are crowding out native ones in the Pacific Northwest and posing new challenges for the organizations that ...
Tips for killing weeds around pine trees without damaging their roots or health—easy solutions for homeowners.
1. Choose the right propagation method. Propagating plants via stem cuttings is less invasive than root division propagation and is the recommended method for winter propagation. Stem cuttings can be ...
One of the easiest plants to propagate, Swedish ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus) has fleshy stems that can be propagated in soil or water. For a fuller look, plant several Swedish ivy cuttings ...
and there are plenty of pretty plants that only need a little bit of water to propagate. Plant cuttings in vases or jars can give you a lovely effect of cascading greenery. But, sometimes they ...
The Washington State Department of Agriculture is proposing to ban the sale or transport of English ivy and its cousin, Atlantic ivy, by adding the plants to the state’s list of quarantined species.