All of them scored low on the state’s STAAR math test last spring and this school year were enrolled in an intervention course—“math lab”—that meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Fridays to supplement ...
When you multiply by 1 the answer stays the same. 21 × 1 = 21 When you multiply by 10, move all the digits one place to the left, putting a zero in the empty space. 21 × 10 = 210 When you ...
Many of Andy Warhol’s pop art pieces, like his Campbell’s Soup Cans from 1962, can be used to teach multiplication arrays. Students can create their own arrays, picking an image or drawing one of ...
Cell differentiation is the process by which specialised cells such as muscle, skin or nerve cells, are formed from less specialised cells such as stem cells and their progenitors. Differentiation ...