Integrating diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and various asanas can enhance respiratory capacity while finding peace of mind.
Wake up early and add these practices and poses to your morning routine to set a positive, mindful tone for the day ahead. Begin with gentle stretches or calm your mind with controlled breathing.
Finding a breathing exercise that works for you may be healing the next time anxiety sinks in. Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing or abdominal breathing, can help reduce ...
Experiences of complex trauma, oppression, implicit bias and prejudice can embed themselves in our nervous system, causing ...
To practice, sit with a straight spine, inhale gently, and then exhale forcefully while contracting your abdominal muscles, ...
Breathing comes naturally to us all and, unless you struggle with a condition that affects your ability to breathe easily, it ...
Conscious breathing can reduce stress, anxiety and depression and prevent ... and reduced exposure to foreign substances. use the diaphragm, the large breathing muscle the middle of our torso.
Conscious breathing can reduce stress, anxiety and depression and prevent ... It's helpful to learn and practice nasal and diaphragmatic breathing. Basic nasal breathing: You can do this lying ...
Sound therapy is one of the most soothing ways of directing negative emotions into positive ones. Empowered with binaural ...