In today’s hyper-competitive world, gaining an edge can be as simple as tweaking the verb tense you use. A small hack in how ...
Pip Cross from Marshall Sustainability elaborated, “ESG has become a battleground in America’s culture wars, facing backlash ...
For years, Tunisians have been picking bright red peppers, combining them with garlic, vinegar and spices and turning them ...
Tutoyer - roughly pronounced to-twa-yay - is a French verb that refers to the action of addressing someone in the second ...
Looking for hairsprays to try in 2025? We have you covered. Like most beauty products, haircare and hairstyling products can work differently for each person.
Filer un tuyau - roughly pronounced feel-ay uhn too-yo - translates precisely as ‘to spin a pipe’, but in reality it means ...
L’IVE, amb seu a la parròquia de la plaça Valldaura, ha estat denunciat per una dona que l’acusa de no deixar-li veure la ...
Atès que els refranys aprofiten per a transmetre coneixements en el camp de la meteorologia, se n'han desenvolupat moltes ...
Un dels grans problemes que té una part de la societat actual i que genera un enrenou constant és prejutjar. El diccionari de ...
Nowadays, lying is a new currency that buys cumhacht - power and tionchar - influence, the bigger the lie, the more influence ...
‘Creïlla’, ‘eixir’, ‘roín’ i ‘aplegar’, entre d’altres, són paraules habituals en el parlar del País Valencià. Algunes no són ...
El 16 de gener és el Dia Internacional de la Croqueta i és un bon moment per saber quin és el seu origen i on degustar ...