The Paper Ark, a collaboration between Nayan Shrimali and Venus Bird ( previously ), celebrates the diverse beauty of our ...
Well-stocked bird feeders help to supplement birds’ food when it's in short supply. Throughout the winter months, high-fat foods and water are in short supply but even through the spring and summer, a ...
As well as feasting on our garden berries, seeds and other natural food such as earthworms, caterpillars and beetles, birds seem to love energy-rich fat balls, which give them a calorie boost that may ...
But they’re also watching another virus this winter: H5N1 avian influenza, or bird flu. U.S. health agencies say that the virus currently poses a low risk to the general public, even though it ...
Bird flu virus has been found in a batch of raw milk sold in California, and consumers should not drink it, the state Department of Public Health warned Sunday. The agency said that no illnesses ...
photographers captured John and Caroline standing outside the cathedral watching their father’s coffin go by. United Press International (UPI) photographer Stan Stearns captured John’s salute.
(CDC/NIAID via AP) Health officials on Friday confirmed bird flu in a California child — the first reported case in a U.S. minor. The child had mild symptoms, was treated with antiviral medication and ...
Health officials are alarmed by more than 50 confirmed human cases of a bird flu variant across seven states this year, with a new case confirmed this week in a California child without known ...