After natural, anti-ageing skincare to target wrinkles and fine lines? Here's why the ingredient bakuchiol is a great ...
I didn't plan to become a botanist, I just pursued activities that made me happy. Studying subjects that make you light up ...
The BOOSTER gene in poplar trees boosts photosynthesis and biomass, with potential applications for improving crop yields. Researchers from the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation ...
Scientists found molecular evidence supporting the idea that chloroplasts originated as energy-generating organelles and only later evolved to support carbon assimilation in plant cells.
One of the most momentous events in the history of life involved endosymbiosis—a process by which one organism engulfed ...
A team of scientists with two Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Centers have identified a gene in a poplar tree that ...
A gene called Booster has been identified in poplar trees that boosts photosynthesis and growth by up to 200% in controlled ...
In Japan, researchers have conducted an experiment as bizarre as it is fascinating, creating hybrid cells that are part ...
A team of scientists from the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation at the University of Illinois ...
A team of scientists with two Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Centers - the Center for Bioenergy Innovation, or CBI, ...
An international research collaboration has shed new light on the molecular basis of gene expression, the fundamental biological process that underpins how all organisms use their genetic information.
Scientists have uncovered genetic variation in the unexplored DNA of the photosynthetic and energy factories of Arabidopsis ...