Impact of Disease questionnaire (PsAID-12) scores were associated with treatment escalation, physicians primarily relied on clinical assessments when making treatment decisions.
Engineering technology is an important engine driving the development of human society. At present, the global round of scientific and technological ...
With talent at a premium, interviewing more candidates and asking challenging questions can determine the best fit for your team.
A sweeping new evaluation system would grade Houston ISD teachers based on their students' test scores, classroom observations, and "planning and professionalism," according to a draft proposal ...
According to the Harvard Business Review, “Work sample tests that mimic the kinds of tasks the candidate will be doing are ...
A large international team of researchers with varied backgrounds has found that moving up in a research field in an organization, whether in the government or academic world, requires vastly ...
Embracing the neurodiversity paradigm, which views autism as a difference in brain wiring rather than a disorder to be fixed, is not only a clinical imperative but a societal one.
Recommendations are presented for the diagnostic evaluation of patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) or AD and related dementias (ADRD).
Small instructional shifts can guide students to use technology in ways that develop their critical thinking and creativity.