"We are literally mapping the entire celestial sky in 102 infrared colors for the first time in humanity's history." ...
Dozens of boxes holding mirrors are placed along a remote desert hill in northern Chile as workers make progress in the ...
Scientists used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to examine select star-forming areas in the Extreme Outer Galaxy in near- ...
The show unfolded in the picturesque gardens of the Musée Rodin in Paris, attended by guests including actress Jenna Ortega, ...
The young protostar T Tauri is about to be eclipsed by a huge disk of gas and dust that could prompt the star to fade or even disappear.
Venus transits, those infrequent occasions when Venus passes directly between Earth and the Sun, happen in eight-year pairs ...
JWST discovers supernova AT 2023adsv, dated to 11.4 billion years ago Early massive stars produced more energetic explosions than modern star Findings offer insights into the first stars and early ...
Light pollution is the enemy of space viewing and most meteor showers are barely visible in the suburbs, let alone a big city. From there, you'll want to find the radiant -- also known as the ...
Stretching in a neat row along the ecliptic, this alignment promises to be a feast for the eyes, with bright Venus and Jupiter taking center stage while the fainter Neptune and Uranus add a subtle ...
Astronomer and space historian Dave Reneke says this month's so-called 'planet parade' is just about "the best view you will get in a lifetime". Carla Mascarenhas is the NSW correspondent covering ...