Powered by a quad-core Raspberry Pi, the robot is programmable, allowing users to create unique applications and expand its ...
A current story of resilience dear to my heart is about a cat named Paddy. Paddy belongs to a friend who obtained him from ...
On average, most cats live to be 13. However, certain breeds like the Burmese and American shorthair, may be around as long ...
Cats have gotten a reputation as being house pets with their own agendas. Memes have popularized the myth that they can be ...
Sphynx cats don't favor independence and would rather be with their favorite people 24/7, but they also do well with pet ...
Adjacent to the temple is a pet crematorium. Head priest Junkyo Narita says, "Cremated tortoise shells are pretty. One snake ...
A gentle soul with a heart full of purrs.
A daily dose of sunshine is guaranteed when you have a pet. Here are just some of the things that give me the warm ...
The HRA has helped hundreds of dogs (and cats and bunnies and even turtles) find new homes. But where are they now?
However you pamper yourself, Vetreska, founded by Singaporean entrepreneur Donald Kng, will match the experience for your fur ...