The chances are, you’ll be sitting with a guitar or keyboard in front of you, and playing a few chords to get you going, so start by choosing a key. The most important decision at this stage could be ...
It is measured by the movements declared in CAGED - Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (General Register of Employment and Unemployment) of the Ministry of Labour. There are separate ...
The triad is one of the cornerstones of music theory, and vital for creating harmony. Let's examine the three points of the chord… When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate ...
The artist’s Telepathic Instruments is releasing a musical instrument, Orchid, aimed at helping users easily generate chords as a means to aid the compositional and creative processes.
For decades now, many physicists have pursued the hope that equations involving an especially tiny “string” could provide the theory that solves nature’s ultimate subatomic mysteries.
Our tale is called “The Caged Bird.” It’s inspired by tales from Jewish and Persian lore. Voices in this episode include Tim Matheson and Jonathan Tucker. Grown-ups, you may know Jonathan ...
How cells prioritize restoring amino acids when supply is limited is unknown. Here, using budding yeast, the authors build an economic framework to explain prioritization strategies and find that ...
Review: Kerri Chandler's 'Bar A Thym' is one of those tracks that seems to contain everything great house music aspires to beia groove so undeniable it feels perpetual, melodies that loop and evolve ...
Promotes lively engagement with topics in contemporary global politics Spans topics from analytical philosophy to the cultural construction of political theory Covers women’s and gender studies, ...
“Systems theory seeks to understand the dynamic behavior of complex systems, including how components of a system interact to affect the behavior of the system in often unexpected, nonlinear ways.” ...
Classical conditioning theory, discovered by Russian physiologist and Nobel prize winner Ivan Pavlov, was central to behaviorism’s success. Pavlovian conditioning, as it was sometimes known, focused ...
Social Theory & Health gathers contributions from all relevant disciplines in medicine and the social sciences to report on current high-level discussion and controversy over the capabilities and ...