The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
The British studio has produced some of the most acclaimed animated films of the past few decades — and amassed legions of ...
In this exclusive series, the filmmakers behind each of this year's Oscar-shortlisted shorts reveal their favorite shots.
In an amusing branding move, the Vatican debuted an anime-style cartoon mascot named Luce to mixed reactions online.
Shawn Levy also wished the young actor a happy birthday on Instagram. Take a look: ...
Studio Ghibli wishes everyone a Happy New Year with a special message, and an original drawing by Hayao Miyazaki himself.
It appears the inevitable clash of personalities between Elon Musk and Nigel Farage has happened, with Musk declaring Farage ...
The eight people you meet on Slack. A look back at March 12, 2020. The semi-sadistic seven-minute workout. Here’s why it was ...
Us cat owners must come together to share any knowledge we have to give our fur babies the best lives possible.