MONTEREY, California (KGO) — When we first met the hungry otters of Elkhorn Slough last year, they were chowing down on a species of burrowing crabs blamed for destabilizing the shoreline.
MONTEREY, California (KGO) — When we first met the hungry otters of Elkhorn Slough last year, they were chowing down on a species of burrowing crabs blamed for destabilizing the shoreline. Thinning ...
Their blood is as blue as the sky. And it is also their doom. The horseshoe crab is an exotic animal that many call a “living fossil”, as it has existed on Earth for over 450 million years and ... is a one-stop automotive site that provides car news, reviews, with tools to help you compare different models. All you need to find your next perfect car is here.
With the invasive blue crab threatening the existence of native fish stocks and the livelihoods of fishermen, Venetians have decided to get rid of the invaders by… eating them. With more and more ...