The trailer of the upcoming film Azaad was launched at an event in Mumbai on Monday morning. While the film stars Ajay Devgn in the lead, it marks the debut of the actor`s nephew Aaman and Raveena ...
Ajay Devgn along with his nephew Aaman Devgan and Raveena Tandon daughter Rasha Thadani among others attended the trailer ...
The film which marks the debut of Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani had its trailer release on Monday. The film also stars Ajay ...
Azaad trailer features Ajay Devgan as a rebel, with debutants Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani, blending love and resistance in ...
The trailer of Azaad, starring Ajay Devgn in an extended supporting role, was unveiled by the makers on Monday ...
Here is our trailer review for the film Azaad which marks the debut of Aaman Devgn and Rasha Thadani. It also stars Ajay Devgn.
Azaad also features Diana Penty, who will be essaying the role of Ajay Devgn’s love interest. However, she makes a blink-and-miss appearance in the trailer.
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