My second baby was born with a very short piece of skin adjoining the bottom of her mouth and her tongue. When the hospital paediatrician saw her she said it would need cutting and was best to do ...
your baby’s tongue not lifting or moving from side-to-side their tongue looking heart-shaped when they stick it out difficulty sticking their tongue out Doctors say it's critical to get ...
After talking to family, friends and searching social media, someone mentions your baby may have a tongue-tie. Could this be the answer? What is tongue-tie? Tongue-tie (or ankyloglossia ...
"I went back to the breastfeeding counsellor and, having ruled out other issues, agreed there could still be a problem with tongue-tie. As my baby was older by then, there would have been a longer ...
For infants, it's important because if it's really tight it's hard to extend the tongue beyond the gums. Babies need to move ...
We do our wee baby conversations, don't we? And sticking out her tongue there! She's like “this is what I've learnt". So the other day she started sticking out her tongue in response to me ...